Updated 2 November 2015
Mountain Survival .com's mission is to provide accurate, useful, in-depth, information in order to prepare the outdoor recreational visitor for any condition he or she may encounter in the Lake Tahoe/ Sierra Nevada area.
This preparation is provided through a mix of free information on survival tactics/ skills as well as links to other survival sites. At mountain survival weather conditions can be viewed as they develop so plan accordingly.
Check this before you venture into the back country ( Tahoe Survival Tips) or view a comprehensive searchable catalogue of survival tactics at survivaltactic.com.
We are based in the Crystal Bay / Incline Village/ Lake Tahoe, Nevada.
"Battle Cold and Conquer Mountains"
(To learn about the logo above, please click on it)
Home base is located in the Sierras (Lake Tahoe, Nevada). We specialize in outdoor survival tactics/ skills, survival information, equipment and training.
The purpose of this site is to make outdoor survival information readily available to everyone.
Mountain Survival Inc is now under Survival Inc. Based in Nevada. It is our goal to expand the Mountain Survival site and idealism to other areas dealing with personal safety and well being as well as surviving the challenges that are now in front of all the world. Do not give up hope! We will all survive. What does not kill you makes you stronger. It is your duty to carry on.
Remember to Improvise, Adapt and Overcome.
I have over 50 years experience in the outdoor wilderness and survival training. I have been involved with search and rescue with Washoe County, Nevada since 2000. I was appointed to the Nevada State Board of Search and Rescue in 2015. I started my survival training when I was 6 years old (military schools at the age of 5 up to and including West Point). I attended and graduated the Northern Warfare School at Ft. Greely Alaska in 1976. I have been a certified man tracker in Nevada and still practice my skills. I have been a back country guide, survival and security consultant and instructor as well as a marksmanship instructor for over 40 years. ( I still learn new skills every day.)
I have spent time in North ,East and West Africa, Middle East, China, Europe, Alaska, Nevada and the Sierras working, learning, teaching and practicing various survival skills and techniques. If I do not have the answer, I can get it for you.
Your best survival tool is your mind. Use it!!!!
If you have questions! We have answers! Call or text us anytime at
775 741 0735
A kilt is great for hiking. Try it.